Install Perl DBD::mysql on Oracle Linux/Centos

Install CPAN

yum -y install cpan
cpan App::cpanminus

Install C compiler

[root@yogya ~]# yum -y install cpp

Install MySql developer libraries

[root@yogya mysql-database-stuff]# yum -y install msql-devel

Install DBI and YAML

[root@yogya mysql-database-stuff]# cpan DBI
[root@yogya mysql-database-stuff]# cpan
cpan[2]> install YAML

Om de een of andere reden lukt installeren van DBD::mysql niet met CPAN.
Dus MySql installation from source. Download source distro.

[root@yogya ~]# wget
[root@yogya ~]# gunzip DBD-mysql-4.028.tar.gz
[root@yogya ~]# tar xvf DBD-mysql-4.028.tar 
[root@yogya ~]# cd DBD-mysql-4.028

Maak even de test database en zet een password voor de root user

mysql> create database test;
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password = password ( 's3kr1t' ) where user = 'root'

Make sure options match, dus kijk even wat je in moet vullen om de Makefile te bouwen met.

[root@yogya DBD-mysql-4.028]# perl Makefile.PL --help
Usage: perl Makefile.PL [options]

Possible options are:

--cflags= Use for running the C compiler; defaults
to the value of "mysql_config --cflags" or a guessed
--libs= Use for running the linker; defaults
to the value of "mysql_config --libs" or a gussed
--force-embedded Build version of driver supporting mysqlEmb
--embedded= Use these libs when building the embedded version of
DBD (with --force-embedded). Defaults to the value of
"mysql_config --embedded".
--testdb= Use the database for running the test suite;
defaults to test
--testuser= Use the username for running the test suite;
defaults to no username
--testpassword= Use the password for running the test suite;
defaults to no password
--testhost= Use as a database server for running the
test suite; defaults to localhost.
--testport= Use as the port number of the database;
by default the port number is choosen from the
mysqlclient library
--mysql_config= Specify for mysql_config script
--with-mysql= Specify for the root of the MySQL installation.
--nocatchstderr Supress using the "myld" script that redirects
STDERR while running the linker.
--nofoundrows Change the behavior of $sth->rows() so that it
returns the number of rows physically modified
instead of the rows matched
--ps-protocol Toggle the use of driver emulated prepared statements
prepare, requires MySQL server >= 4.1.3 for
server side prepared statements, off by default
--bind-type-guessing Toggle the use of driver attribute mysql_bind_type_guessing
This feature makes it so driver-emulated prepared statements
try to "guess" if a value being bound is numeric, in which
case, quotes will not be put around the value.
--ssl Enable SSL support
--help Print this message and exit

All options may be configured on the command line. If they are
not present on the command line, then mysql_config is called (if
it can be found):

mysql_config --cflags
mysql_config --libs
mysql_config --embedded
mysql_config --testdb

and so on. See DBD::mysql::INSTALL for details.

Finish installation. In dit geval hoef je alleen het password op te geven.

[root@yogya DBD-mysql-4.028]# perl Makefile.PL --testpassword=s3kr1t
[root@yogya DBD-mysql-4.028]# make
[root@yogya DBD-mysql-4.028]# make test
[root@yogya DBD-mysql-4.028]# make install


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